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"The Dragondog is a funny creature, as is the DragonDog lounge. Just like the Dragondog, the DragonDog Lounge has many friends. So pay them a visit will you? "

Photo evidence of why drinking+fire=fun... Wednesday, August 16, 2006 |

Well as a follow up to yesterday I have pictures from drinking and then playing with fire that were taken with my cellphone. Eric Reynolds painstakenly crafted a fine torch out of a stick, papertowels, a LOT of wax, gin, and spary adhesive. It burned nicely and lasted a fair amout of time too. We didn't waste that tourch, we walked into my back yard using that as my only light source. It was an adventure. Without further delay...

Last but surely not least, what would drinking photos be without a photo of of drunken Brendan Sullivan...

Eric, Brendan and I are all drunk and i'm passing out.... |

So yeah the title pretty much says it all. I'm drunk, and Eric just left. So Brendan doesn't have any pants on , just boxer breifs and he is playing my DS lite. ITs pretty funny. Basically tonight consisted of BBQing, minus Brendan, Bowling again minus Bendan and then Drinking. I pretended to be Kerry Wood and Mark Prior and threw marshmellows at Brendan and I almost hurt my arm too just like them. So Brendan totally has a stalker at work, and we were totally leading her on. I think I asked her if she would do Anal with Sullivan. She didn't say no, thats all I'm saying. Oh I almost forgot the best part. We were playing with fire while drinking. What a great idea eh? We ended up making tourches our of sticks, paper towels, gin, spray adhesive, and wax. Erics burned really awsome and we went advernturing. It was hot until Brendan insisted on getting his nipple sucked with a wine cork vacum deal. Then he put it down his pants and "it" didn't fit he claims. What a fucker I made him clean it and as penance I made him stick a cheese and sauce less piece of pizza down his underwear for over 5 minutes. Then he tossed it in the neighbors yard. Then an animal is going to eat it. It touched Brendans penis. That means in a round about way, an aniaml is going to eat Brendans penis. HOT.

awww look at the cute doggy!!! Tuesday, August 15, 2006 |

I just had to post that video, it was on yahoo's front page last night. Not only did it make me laugh hysterically, it also reminded me of our dog Lucky. Now when Lucky was around he would have never made it past 1 snack on his nose the way that dog looked just made me remember him. Silly dog, I'm proud of him or her though that is an awful lot of snacks it was balancing without eating. I don't know if I could have made it...

PDA phone and my thoughts a week later... Monday, August 14, 2006 |

Well I've had my new phone for about a week now and I've gotta say I enjoy it. It isn't perfect but its nice. Lets list a few pluses and minuses.

+ Wireless Internet: need I say anymore? Browsing the web is very nice, its even come in handy helping me locate a Quiznos that I would have missed otherwise. Speed isn't even that bad around 200Kb/s
+ Not quite as large as I though: The size actually isn't that bad. I'd say the height is about the same size if not a touch smaller than a standard non flip phone, the widwith is somewhat more. Now the depth is the killer.
+ Txt Messaging: It makes sending a txt a much easier proposition. It has a QWERTY keyboard.
+ Availablity of Programs: It looks like there are lots of fun programs to play around with available for the phone, only problem most of them cost money.

- Thickness: The phone is a bit thicker than I'd hoped for, not a whole lot but it certianly provides a quite large phone boner in my pants.
- Keyboard Size: This one isn't a huge minus but yeah the keyboard isn't huge its hunt and peck with the thumbs but the more I use it the better I'm getting.
- No 3G service: In large major metropolitan areas there is currently 3G internet service, UMTS from Cingular. It gives about 1-2Mb/s internet speeds or about 5-10x what i'm getting now. I wish this phone supported that, sadly it doesn't. There is a new version of this phone that has a processor about 2x as fast and supporst 3G. Sadly its only available as a manufacturer direct phone, I.E. the cheapest i've seen a store selling it is $745. Hopefully when that comes down I can upgrade.

Alrighty thats all for now, I'll keep you all updated on the phone when I finally get a sling box and get that up and running so I can watch TV on the go.

A really sweet youtube moment... Saturday, August 12, 2006 |

Here we go you have to watch THIS Now i'm not always fans of spoof ads, but this one is a great one. I know you are a big Wii man Andy so I think you especially will like this. If I ever get a console it was leaning towards Wii, well then Dead Rising came out and now I wouldn't mind an Xbox 360. I'm totally not getting one though, it would be such a waste.

welcome from my new phone... Tuesday, August 08, 2006 |

yes it is true, this post is being sent to you over GRPS from my new cell. it is a Cingular 8125 typing on its tiny keys is a bit of a challenge so far but it is getting easier. I have unlimited data so lots of internet fun for me. for now the plan is to buy a slingbox which will allow me to watch and control my TV via the internet anywhere, including this lovely new windows powered phone. Oh also I lost all my contacts when my razr died so send me your # if I had it before.