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The requested post about zombies...

Ok so i recieved a comment asking for a post about zombies. Well who am i to say no, so here we are.

Some of you may know there was a zombie game that was run using the World of Darkness rules some time ago. The game has since dissolved and the group fractured. That doesn't mean that we don't still love zombies though.

So starting Monday there will be a new, and vastly improved, zombie game. Eric Reynolds and I are going to be co-GM'ing it. Once again the players will play themselves in a zombie apocalypse. We will be building on the greatness of the first month of the original zombie game. There will be no blast doors, no crazy hallways, no mini guns (and certainly not 8), no crazy underground military like group, and most importantly NO CURE!

How can you put a cure for the zombie afliction in a zombie game? The answer is you can't. It will ruin the game, and it did. Zombies are no longer frightening if all you have to do is inject yourself and you are cured. A zombie game thrives on fear and the need to survive. A cure removes it.

So I'll keep you all updated maybe...

*Swipes keycard and shuts the blastdoor*

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  • Blogger cobaltgrc says so:
    6:59 PM  

    a, you say that there will be no blast doors then you leave through a blast door. Get that thing out of here! Good point, a Zombie game does thrive on fear. The players should never feel safe even when they are standing right next to the President of the Zombie States of America.

    sorry about the above post, I deleted my original post because I made some spelling errors.. and now it has left an unseemly mark. There should be better editing on these things. top

  • Blogger Dragondog says so:
    7:08 PM  


    Duncan who loved bowling... top

  • Blogger JavaBomberman says so:
    7:41 PM  

    zombie game? zombie game?


    I'll be back in a week, lemme play! top

  • Blogger cobaltgrc says so:
    6:59 AM  

    I would like to hear more about the art of zombie killin. top

  • Blogger Dragondog says so:
    12:26 AM  

    What would you like to know Andy? Let me know and i'll give my thoughts. top