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"The Dragondog is a funny creature, as is the DragonDog lounge. Just like the Dragondog, the DragonDog Lounge has many friends. So pay them a visit will you? "

The Illusionist...

Here is another movie that I had been looking forward to seeing since it came out. How can a movie with Ed Norton and Paul Giamati be bad? The answer is well it can't. The setting of the movie looked amazing, and the little information that I got from the preview looked very promising. I had heard a few people talk about it and their reactions ranged from Meh to "I heard it wasn't very good".

That said I will have to say this is one of the best movies I have seen in a very very long time. The preformances by Ed and Paul were just fantastic, certainly a movie that I would keep in mind come Oscar times. The story was outstanding. It was an extremely well written story line that keeps you guessing and at the end it all makes sense and hits you in a big way.

The visuals were impeciable. The movie had a fantastic look to it, the costumes were great and the scenery was well picked. The film had that certain intangible quality to it that really seperates the truely well shot movies from the rest.

That said GO SEE THIS MOVIE. It was better than Little Miss Sunshine for my money, even if they were different types of movies. I will not hesitate to give this one a very solid


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