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"The Dragondog is a funny creature, as is the DragonDog lounge. Just like the Dragondog, the DragonDog Lounge has many friends. So pay them a visit will you? "

Well ok i'll post again Tuesday, June 21, 2005 |

So I haven't really posted in a while since nobody really commented. I've decided not to do a play by play recap of the zombie game. Its just too much work. I'd be glad to talk about it if people want to ask questions in comments otherwise i'll just talk about other stuff.

So I am now officially the part time Polo Ralph Lauren specialist at carsons. So far it seems like a pretty sweet gig. It will be nice to get to focus on some clothes that I at least somewhat like rather than have to deal with everything from Sean John to Crapcensus.

Now that i'm going to be making more money and have at least 20 hours a week its time for Andy to get another car of his very own. Did I learn my lesson about impracticle gas guzzling cars? Hell no! I'm getting another Porsche most likely. I mean there is a small chance i will be somewhat more practicle and get like an early 90s 500SL or a late 90s/early 2000s C class, but really what fun is that?

What i've been up too besides the zombie game... Tuesday, June 07, 2005 |

So yes there was the zombie game today but I have also done other stuff since my last post. Friday and Saturday I worked. It was boring, it was long, I was sad. Sunday Bridgett and I got up early and went to the Kane Co. flea market. We wandered about, and bought nothing but food. It was pretty fun none the less though. We watched movies afterwards and had some chinese. It was good times.

That brings me to a movie recommendation. Dirty Filty Love. No its not pornography, its a British movie about a man with OCD and Tourette's Syndrome. He deals with a divorce which forces him deeper into his afflictions. He also deals with love and support from a group of other people suffering from OCD in a support group. Its a very intresting movie, with some good spots. I'd check it out if I were you.

Tomorrow brings us "Get Behind Me Satan" from the White Stripes. I shall purchase it before work and hopefully give it a listen afterwards. I'll be sure to give my impressions. Oasis is coming out with a new CD tomorrow also. I'm somewhat tempted to give it a go, but I'm just not sure. I haven't heard any of their new songs to tell me if it will be worth it or not. So i'll have to see how I feel tomorrow.

We have zombie lift off... |

Today the new zombie game had its first session. Characters were made for the first few hours and then some gaming did commence. I think so far so good. There are a few things I'd like to work on, mainly utilizing dual GM power. But the game must be multi-threaded to take advantage of dual GMs. That will be utilized in the future if the need arises.

The game wasn't too eventful today. First the players awoke after being drunken and passed out at Dan's appartment. The game started right after Eric Reynolds party. Dan awoke to the smell of smoke and noticed a burning car outside near his tennis field. It was determined that the appartment was on fire and everyone got out. Cars were stolen and only Rob's and Charlie's car still exsisted. Everyone then went to my house to check it out, except Dan who stayed behind then checked out Target, which was looted and in dis-repair. All of the players houses were pretty much the same. Some weapons and food was gathered, then we headed towards Brookfield after not very sucessful attempts to obtain fuel from gas stations. At Dan's uncle's house in Brookfield we arrived at a house with the door open and bodies and blood making a trail inside. Dan by himself went inside the basement to find a trail of dead bodies with headshots, and spent handgun shells and magazines. Finally he found his uncle and his family eaten by zombies in the corner. He pryed his uncles guns out of his cold dead hands, to find them empty. Upstairs he founds zombies for the first time, they chased him for a bit and came outside where the rest of us melee'd and killed 2 of them. Dan was able to get back inside and to the ammo stash where he found 1 bullet and ran back around. Now more zombies were coming for us. So Dan, Sean and Rob ran back inside and went upstairs to try to get more than 1 bullet. Meenwhile Ann, Chrysee, Charlie, Eric, and I all got into 2 cars and drove around and ran over and distracted zombies. The group found no bullets inside just more zombies, and got back outside and into the cars and that is where we ended.

Sounds like alot, but it was only a couple of hours of playing.

A day in the life of boring Fridays... Friday, June 03, 2005 |

So yeah I was up today at 9am for work, hot damn am I lucky or what? I guess today was pay day so that is a good day. I sold my Geforce 6800GT agp to Eric Reynolds so now i've got even more money. Its dual opteron board with PCI-e for me now.

I can't accept any requests for the zombie game now, Hans was the last possible player. So Hans make sure you talk to me if you want to play, sorry everyone else.

So I am listen to The Bravery again right now. Let me tell all of you who have yet to hear The Bravery, go listen to them now!!! They rock very hard. The lead singer is hilarious looking, it makes me think of rockabilly meets Flock of Seagulls. Wild Stuff. The CD rocks indeed. And also White Stripes new CD comes out June 7th. It is called "Get Behind Me Satan" I believe. I'll be getting mine on Tuesday will you?

Blah I have to work at 8:45am tomorrow, 3 words





The requested post about zombies... Thursday, June 02, 2005 |

Ok so i recieved a comment asking for a post about zombies. Well who am i to say no, so here we are.

Some of you may know there was a zombie game that was run using the World of Darkness rules some time ago. The game has since dissolved and the group fractured. That doesn't mean that we don't still love zombies though.

So starting Monday there will be a new, and vastly improved, zombie game. Eric Reynolds and I are going to be co-GM'ing it. Once again the players will play themselves in a zombie apocalypse. We will be building on the greatness of the first month of the original zombie game. There will be no blast doors, no crazy hallways, no mini guns (and certainly not 8), no crazy underground military like group, and most importantly NO CURE!

How can you put a cure for the zombie afliction in a zombie game? The answer is you can't. It will ruin the game, and it did. Zombies are no longer frightening if all you have to do is inject yourself and you are cured. A zombie game thrives on fear and the need to survive. A cure removes it.

So I'll keep you all updated maybe...

*Swipes keycard and shuts the blastdoor*

Having my arm twisted from a great distance... |

Why is it that I can have my arm twisted from Iowa? Am I really that weak of will that a constant barrage of words from Iowa can make me make a blog? Well the answer is yes since you are reading this. Yes the psudeo-mythic Andy Kayacan has made me create this blog. Don't expect a hell of alot from it, or me for that matter. I really don't have alot to talk about. Unless you would like to hear about random pointless drivel... Well i'm sure you do!

So now that school is done for the summer I need something to do other than work. Will this blog be it? Doubtful. Maybe I will finally update www.dragondog.org ? Unlikely, but hey stranger things have happened. I do know that BBQ lovin' must happen though, and now that we are all 21 that BBQ lovin' must include a good helping of booze lovin'. Just like the lovely drink I had last night when I was having dinner with Bridgett yesterday at Bar Louie on Damen. I asked for a zombie, they weren't really sure what it was but the waitress asked the bartender i guess and I got a really strong drink of rum and pineapple juice. Best part you ask? It was only $3.

OK enough rambling...