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"The Dragondog is a funny creature, as is the DragonDog lounge. Just like the Dragondog, the DragonDog Lounge has many friends. So pay them a visit will you? "

We have zombie lift off...

Today the new zombie game had its first session. Characters were made for the first few hours and then some gaming did commence. I think so far so good. There are a few things I'd like to work on, mainly utilizing dual GM power. But the game must be multi-threaded to take advantage of dual GMs. That will be utilized in the future if the need arises.

The game wasn't too eventful today. First the players awoke after being drunken and passed out at Dan's appartment. The game started right after Eric Reynolds party. Dan awoke to the smell of smoke and noticed a burning car outside near his tennis field. It was determined that the appartment was on fire and everyone got out. Cars were stolen and only Rob's and Charlie's car still exsisted. Everyone then went to my house to check it out, except Dan who stayed behind then checked out Target, which was looted and in dis-repair. All of the players houses were pretty much the same. Some weapons and food was gathered, then we headed towards Brookfield after not very sucessful attempts to obtain fuel from gas stations. At Dan's uncle's house in Brookfield we arrived at a house with the door open and bodies and blood making a trail inside. Dan by himself went inside the basement to find a trail of dead bodies with headshots, and spent handgun shells and magazines. Finally he found his uncle and his family eaten by zombies in the corner. He pryed his uncles guns out of his cold dead hands, to find them empty. Upstairs he founds zombies for the first time, they chased him for a bit and came outside where the rest of us melee'd and killed 2 of them. Dan was able to get back inside and to the ammo stash where he found 1 bullet and ran back around. Now more zombies were coming for us. So Dan, Sean and Rob ran back inside and went upstairs to try to get more than 1 bullet. Meenwhile Ann, Chrysee, Charlie, Eric, and I all got into 2 cars and drove around and ran over and distracted zombies. The group found no bullets inside just more zombies, and got back outside and into the cars and that is where we ended.

Sounds like alot, but it was only a couple of hours of playing.

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