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"The Dragondog is a funny creature, as is the DragonDog lounge. Just like the Dragondog, the DragonDog Lounge has many friends. So pay them a visit will you? "

OK FINE, you win Andy I'm back...

So yes I have been asked in the past by one Andy Kayacan to post on my blog again. Why bother though? I have nothing really to say, no one reads it, and blah blah blah. But tonight he dropped me an IM simply saying "post on your blog", before i could respond dashing that idea out of his mind he signed off. So now I have to do a blog entry since I couldn't say no. It was Andy playing dirty. But I bit, I took the bate and if you are actually reading this, but yes I know you aren't, well then you know that I took the bate. So here we go...

So i was watching Adult Swim reading GQ, a must read for all men, and I stumble upon an article declaring Chicago Americas new top culinary city. Basically it is guys being pretencious and "artistic" with food. Who really needs a 20 course "tasting course" menu for $175? Now don't get me wrong a couple of the things seemed intresting such as doughnut soup and flash frozen flapjacks done at your table. But all in all it seemed lame and over done, something that I would never try. I read it anyways though since it was Chicago, my beloved Chicago. So at the end they have the writers bio that says to go on to GQ.com and look up his archive that includes, hello, Americans Greatest Cheeseburger!!!

Now any of you who know me know I love a good cheeseburger. I have my favorites and I've tried many. So I read the article. Once again the guy seemed pompus, I'd wager he is an East Coaster, but to be fair i skimmed so I don't know if he is. Well anyways 1 of the places is from Chicago, Poag Mahone's on South Wells. Now I've seen this place before its in an office building. Chicago's best burger is not in one of its many lovely neighborhood establishments, but in a faceless boring office building. This office building isn't even one of Chicago's finer ones it is just a plain glass structure. As he is praising the joint he rips on Chicago's ability to make a good burger, and the Cubs (Fuck you to him). Why don't you read it and lets have a round table discussion on the state of Chicagos cheeseburger industry, or just cheeseburgers in General. Or hell i'll even talk Cubs with you, but if one of you bastards post about the WhiteTrash Sox i'll just delete the comment so don't push your luck ;)

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  • Blogger cobaltgrc says so:
    9:33 PM  

    Great post! I'm glad to see that my drunked plan worked. :) Alright, on to the discussion...

    Who the fuck does this guy think he is? Is this list in order, with number one being a place down in Florida? So you mean to tell me that the best fucking burger in the fucking United States of America is in bum-fucking Hollywood, Florida? Are you fucking kidding me?

    Look what he says: "It’s just right for enveloping the meat, which is judiciously seasoned and spiced, mostly with salt and pepper, I suspect. That’s all it needs. No cheese or condiments required."... so? It's just a bun and the meat? What's the point? This guy's mind is blown by a little bit of salt and pepper? What a fucking mental case.. I can't believe someone payed him for this bullshit... they probably even payed for his trip around the states and every burger he bought... what. a. joke. MMMmmm and no cheese... huh? I'm sorry, but I'm a cheese man. I like cheese on my burgers. Burgers without cheese need not apply. If that means I'm not a burger purist, then oh fucking well.

    Alright, to his comments about chicago... I'd like to go to the burger joint he talks about to see if the burgers are any good. Something tells me the dude who wrote this article is a total snob and doesn't actually know what makes a good burger. It's not about the perfect imagine of a burger that one might have in their mind, it's about the 'burger moment'. They come and go, but I've never felt that it's tied to a certian place or location.

    ... anyway, it seems like people always shit on Chicago, especially if they're from the coasts or from nowhere places in the midwest. I've talked to people who seem to think that Chicago doesn't have any good Pizza, Hot Dogs, or Burgers. Those people are mentally handicaped. There's a festival I'ved heard about called the "TASTE OF CHICAGO", it's a festival geared towards trying the food of a certain city... guess where it's held? I wonder if the coasters would be smart enough to know. top

  • Blogger Peter says so:
    11:33 PM  

    I like how Andy's drunken plans involve blogging.

    So, somewhere in Florida makes the best burgers? Poppycock, I don't see how that could be true. We're looking at one of the most humid places in the country, how do they even expect to keep their buns from getting soggy?

    Cheese, as Andy said, is a must - a burger without cheese is like an analogy without a second part, it just doesn't work.

    I'd also like to note how, in spite of my never being a big fan of big cities in general, the further I am from Chicago, the more protective of it I become. When people here at college (inevitably denizens of the coasts) speak ill of Chicago, I'm actually ready to defend it, which would probably never have happened three years ago. Goes to show how much the sense of home means, even if it's only home in a loose sense. But it's still our city...but I digress.

    Actually, I don't really have anything else to say and should return to studying. Fuck this accursed lack of concentration. top

  • Blogger Dragondog says so:
    2:20 AM  

    Actually Mr. Reynolds that hasn't always been true about the coasts being the ones bombed first. The train yards in Chicago were actually the top bombing target in the US for some time. You are same down in boofoo and Andy might be safe out in Minnesota but i'm sure I wouldn't be safe in any type of missle carried nuculear war. Anyways what I wanted to say is Fuck New York and L.A. More so L.A. but New York can suck it hard core as far as I'm concerned. So they can take their lame ass Nathan's Hot Dogs (which are no Vienna Beef and are slightly above Oscar Meyers) and shove them up their asses! top

  • Blogger JavaBomberman says so:
    5:58 AM  

    I'll just agree. top

  • Blogger Unknown says so:
    3:16 PM  

    I think its fair to say I will be the safest if the missles start flying. If a bread crumb drops on a map of the world, Costa Rica goes incognito.

    Oh yeah, and FUCK everyone who thinks there is anything better than Chicago deep dish style pizza.

    The burgers are good, too. top

  • Blogger cobaltgrc says so:
    5:28 PM  

    I hope I'm safe up here. I enjoy the excitement of living near a big city, but the obscurity of hopefully not being a target of a nuclear warhead. I guess we will have to see.

    Also, What Terriorist doesn't like the Mall of America? They all think it's a sweet land mark last time I checked. top

  • Blogger Dragondog says so:
    7:32 PM  

    haha ok ok mall of america I forgot about that one. But to be fair I was talking about missles, so I don't think terrorists would be able to get a nuclear warhead and an ICBM. But yes Todd I think you are safe, unless its from Dinosaurs. I think Jurassic Park was off the coast of Costa Rica in the book at least :-P top

  • Blogger Unknown says so:
    1:04 PM  

    Jurassic Park mentions something about an island called Isla Nublar, and it does say off the coast of Costa Rica. I cant find that on a map, but there is a rather large island off the west coast called Isla de Coco. I suppose the dinosaurs are there.

    Eep. top

  • Blogger Dragondog says so:
    7:25 PM  

    Haha ah yes Isla Nublar, I guess they spoke 1337 speak. I remember it was either in that book or maybe the Lost World where the dinosaurs actually made it to shore, so you better watch yourself. top

  • Blogger Peter says so:
    9:38 PM  

    Isla de Coco is where the dreaded Chocolatosaurus lives, so watch yourself, Todd. top

  • Blogger yours truly says so:
    11:42 AM  

    burgers are nasty. meat is murder. boo.

    no comment on the cubs. top