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On Land of the Dead...

Yes I did see Land of the Dead (twice I might add) and yes I actually did enjoy it quite a bit. I have to say though if you haven't seen the movie yet and you plan on it you may want to stop reading this post because i'm going to give some spoilers if I feel like it...

Ok still reading? Good good. First of all I liked that that zombies learned and were able to "think" to a limited extent. I think that is a good extension of the Day of the Dead. From what I gathered the movie is about 3 years after the outbreak began, so I figure at a minimum its 2 years past Day of the Dead. That gives the zombies about 2 years to learn to use tool and gather together. Day of the Dead showed that they could be trained, that all it took was someone to teach them. It was "Dr. Frankenstein" in Day of the Dead and in Land of the Dead we get Big Daddy. He is a king among Zombies. I like his character, he is an amazing zombie. Romero did a good job of making Big Daddy into the David like character against the Goliath humans. I think the audience deep down always was pulling for Big Daddy and his band of zombies.

I am glad that the movie only had a budget of around $15million. This made sure that the movie wouldn't look overproduced or over done. There was very little if any CGI which for a zombie movie is a good thing if you ask me. As a result some of the scenes looked a little cheesy due to cut aways but I think that adds to a zombie movie. Zombie movies are meant to be cheesy and campy. They are not meant to be big budget hollywood summer popcorn movies. That would take away the "soul" of the zombie movie.

Land of the Dead is a very good zombie movie and it gives me hope that maybe we will get another movie from Romero after this one. This movie made $10million its first weekend. That means its first weekend recouped 2/3 of the cost of filming. This means the movie will be profitable in the theaters, then comes the DVD which usually makes just as much if not more money. So now maybe Romero will be able to secure more funding for more wonderful zombie movies. Sure this movie had its weak points, but if you take it for what it is I think you will enjoy it.

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