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"The Dragondog is a funny creature, as is the DragonDog lounge. Just like the Dragondog, the DragonDog Lounge has many friends. So pay them a visit will you? "

Woah who would have figured that Screech was such a pimp... Thursday, September 28, 2006 |

Woah boy Screech...

Some of you may remember when I posted the link to the news article about screech trying to raise money to save his house from foreclosure. Well when I saw this article, once again about Screech (Dustin Diamond), well I just had to post it. Seems that good ole Screech is a little kinky, can we say Dirty Sanchez? Oh and seems like he isn't so mad about this. I guess he really misses being on the small screen...

I <3 Grilled Cheese... Tuesday, September 26, 2006 |

Well in the past I have talked about Cheeseburgers, now I think it is time to talk about another great american food. Yes you got it from my title, the grilled cheese. I have always had a hard time making a really good grilled cheese at home. I don't know why it has always been such a hard thing for me to obtain. I always had figured it had something to do with my mom buying margerine (or however you spell that crap) and not butter. Well boy was I wrong. I have found something that worked just great for me. OLIVE OIL...

So ok my technique that I have now developed for making a good grilled cheese is as such:
1. Pick a good bread: This is important, normal old white bread is ok but not as good. Try to get something a little thicker or otherwise just better. I have liked the results from a nice seaseme italian bread. Just please no wheat or whole grain, because that stuff sucks.

2. Olive oil instead of butter: What I do is take a small plate and pour the olive oil on it. Let it spread out to cover the whole surface, then simply place the bread down and let it get a good even covering of olive oil on the cooking side.

3. Pre-heat the cheese side: Before dropping the cooking side (side with the olive oil) on the cooking area put uncoated side down for a little bit to heat it up and make it hot when you put the cheese on.

4. Cook open faced: Now what I do is flip the bread over so the cooking side is now face down and cooking. You now place 1 slice of cheese on each side. I guess if you have really thin cheese you can add more, or if you are just a cheese fiend. Now just let this go for a while and cook. You can tell when the cheese is starting to melt. Check the browness level of the cooking surface of the bread periodically. When its getting close to the desired level of browness combine the two halves of the sandwich.

5. Finish the cooking together: Now that your sandwich is whole give it a few more seconds on each side until you are happy with the browness levels of the bread.

Now you are all done with your yummy grilled cheese. So GO GO GO and try a grilled cheese with olive oil instead of bread. It makes a nice sandwich. Pssst another hint, if you want to be a little crazy throw a slice or so of your favorite lunch meat on there. I like turkey ;)

The Illusionist... Friday, September 22, 2006 |

Here is another movie that I had been looking forward to seeing since it came out. How can a movie with Ed Norton and Paul Giamati be bad? The answer is well it can't. The setting of the movie looked amazing, and the little information that I got from the preview looked very promising. I had heard a few people talk about it and their reactions ranged from Meh to "I heard it wasn't very good".

That said I will have to say this is one of the best movies I have seen in a very very long time. The preformances by Ed and Paul were just fantastic, certainly a movie that I would keep in mind come Oscar times. The story was outstanding. It was an extremely well written story line that keeps you guessing and at the end it all makes sense and hits you in a big way.

The visuals were impeciable. The movie had a fantastic look to it, the costumes were great and the scenery was well picked. The film had that certain intangible quality to it that really seperates the truely well shot movies from the rest.

That said GO SEE THIS MOVIE. It was better than Little Miss Sunshine for my money, even if they were different types of movies. I will not hesitate to give this one a very solid


The Last Kiss... |

I had really been looking forward to seeing The Last Kiss ever since I heard about it. I am a big fan of Garden State and when I saw that Zach Braff was doing a new movie I was thrilled. The preview made the movie out to be more of a Garden State looking movie than it really was.

The acting was good, but not Garden State good. I dont' know how anyone could even expect it though, Zach Braff did not write nor direct this one. It actually seemed to be a version of an Italian movie. That being said since he didn't write the character himself like he did in Garden State, its really not a fair comparison.

The story to the movie was good and I thought very solid. The other actors were great too in the movie and really did a good job in support. All in all a solid movie but honestly it just didn't wow me the way that Garden State did. So i'll give this say:

An 82

Are DJ Danger Mouse and Andy Kayacan really long lost brothers??? Wednesday, September 13, 2006 |

Ok so this isn't the best picture but you get the idea. Yesterday Mr. Sullivan and I attended the Gnarls Barkly concert. For those of you who don't know (been living under a rock?) Gnarls Barkly is basically DJ Danger Mouse (beats) and Ceelo (vocals). I'd say its hip hop for white people, with a healty bit of nerd thrown in. During the performance, which was very good by the way, I turned to Sullivan and remarked how much DJ Danger Mouse looks like Andy Kayacan. During the show he was wearing Aviator sunglasses and from the crowd it was a very close match. So Andy, Is he your brother? :)

Little Miss Movie Review... |

Ok so it has been a slow movie summer for me. I haven't seen too many movies and I am honestly sad because of that. I have wanted to see Little Miss Sunshine since I saw the first preview of it. Well I finally saw it on Monday.

It was nothing short of Brilliant. It was an extrodinarly funny movie, but most of the humor was fairly high brow humor I thought. I liked that. The characters were all flawed and their flaws were wonderful. The flaws gave them humanity and made them truely intresting to watch. I was impressed by all of them. I think the best acting job in the movie was Steve Carrel. I was shocked by his performance, I was expecting something more outlandish and silly ala 40 year old Virgin from him, but what I got was a wonderfully acted part. Sure he had his jokes, but he played his character perfectly.

Now that I am back in school I think I will try to make movie reviews a bigger part of my blog. I watch a lot of movies during the school year during my extra time, so hopefully I should have alot to say. There are a lot on my list already, and I've seen many more hopeful ones on the horizon.

So for a raiting I will give Little Miss Sunshine a 92/100.

(As a disclaimer no movie can really ever earn a 100, that would probably be near impossible. I'd only give my all time favorite movie a 96 I'd say.)

bren2 Tuesday, September 05, 2006 |

Originally uploaded by The Dragondog Lounge.
hehe yes