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I <3 Grilled Cheese...

Well in the past I have talked about Cheeseburgers, now I think it is time to talk about another great american food. Yes you got it from my title, the grilled cheese. I have always had a hard time making a really good grilled cheese at home. I don't know why it has always been such a hard thing for me to obtain. I always had figured it had something to do with my mom buying margerine (or however you spell that crap) and not butter. Well boy was I wrong. I have found something that worked just great for me. OLIVE OIL...

So ok my technique that I have now developed for making a good grilled cheese is as such:
1. Pick a good bread: This is important, normal old white bread is ok but not as good. Try to get something a little thicker or otherwise just better. I have liked the results from a nice seaseme italian bread. Just please no wheat or whole grain, because that stuff sucks.

2. Olive oil instead of butter: What I do is take a small plate and pour the olive oil on it. Let it spread out to cover the whole surface, then simply place the bread down and let it get a good even covering of olive oil on the cooking side.

3. Pre-heat the cheese side: Before dropping the cooking side (side with the olive oil) on the cooking area put uncoated side down for a little bit to heat it up and make it hot when you put the cheese on.

4. Cook open faced: Now what I do is flip the bread over so the cooking side is now face down and cooking. You now place 1 slice of cheese on each side. I guess if you have really thin cheese you can add more, or if you are just a cheese fiend. Now just let this go for a while and cook. You can tell when the cheese is starting to melt. Check the browness level of the cooking surface of the bread periodically. When its getting close to the desired level of browness combine the two halves of the sandwich.

5. Finish the cooking together: Now that your sandwich is whole give it a few more seconds on each side until you are happy with the browness levels of the bread.

Now you are all done with your yummy grilled cheese. So GO GO GO and try a grilled cheese with olive oil instead of bread. It makes a nice sandwich. Pssst another hint, if you want to be a little crazy throw a slice or so of your favorite lunch meat on there. I like turkey ;)

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  • Blogger cobaltgrc says so:
    10:34 PM  

    I did a post on my blog about Grilled Cheese a while back and I came to the very same conclusion. You are 100% correct sir, Grilled Cheese is fucking amazing. top

  • Blogger Dragondog says so:
    10:40 PM  

    Grilled Cheese is an under appreciated food. Its one of those things a lot of people like but often don't give the due it really deserves. top

  • Blogger cobaltgrc says so:
    11:29 PM  

    Yeah Totally, pickles go great with grilled cheese too. amazing food. Tell Eric about this post so we can get him to weigh in on this conversation. He knows grilled cheese. top