Momma don't take my....
So I'm sure some of you have heard some of Paul Simon's songs, well he has a famous one about not taking his Kodachrome away. Well I shot some and it took over a month and a half to get developed. That is thanks to it having to be sent out to get processed. It is only developed in 3 places in the world, so my film was sent out to Kansas, glorious Kansas. So here is my favorite shot from the roll...

5:21 PM
badass. maybe you are the one that can finally tell me what the hell kodachrome is then. =) top
10:05 PM
Kodachrome is film. It was one of the first, if not the first color film available to the public. It first came out in 1936. Its a slide film. When the film is developed you get a positive image that can be projected, basically the same as what teachers put on overheads in a much grander fashion. top
12:22 AM
That's a sweet picture, I'm not sure what it is though? I want it to be a sword hilt but I kind of doubt it. top
1:13 AM
haha sorry Peter no sword hilt, I wish though. Its a brick that was in the side wall of an over pass over some train tracks inbetween grant park and michigan ave. The side wall was crumbling and there were some cool thing there. Including this Dixon brick. top
11:27 AM
I think its a Magic Eye. Put your face really close to your monitor and then slowly pull back.
Yep, its a dolphin driving a BMW.
Magic Eye is so stupid... top