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"The Dragondog is a funny creature, as is the DragonDog lounge. Just like the Dragondog, the DragonDog Lounge has many friends. So pay them a visit will you? "

Ok i'll toss you another bone...

Ok so people actually responded to my post. Huzzah! So I will give more. Infact I'll give you a little present...

This is a photo that I took on the State St. bridge over the Chicago River. It was a warm day in spring, middle of April. I had a lot of time between classes so I went for a walk and started taking pictures. I probably walked about 4 to 5 miles that day in all but it was very envigorating. I was testing a roll of film here and taking a picture of the Marina Towers. I love the Marina Towers, I would love to live there some day. I think for me that is pretty much my dream place to live in Chicago. I'm not even sure if they are the nicest place but they represent Chicago to me. I lovingly refer to them as the "Wilco Towers", due to them gracing the cover of Yankee Hotel Foxtrot the wonderful Wilco album that if you don't own by now you should really just go and buy. So my question for discussion lets talk about things that represent a place to you. What specifically if you see it will just scream Chicago to you?

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  • Blogger Dragondog says so:
    3:05 AM  

    Sadly lower wacker no long looks like it did for the Blues Brothers, they fixed it up and got rid of the hobos to an extent. Its still pretty cool though. Underneath the El looks basically the same though, gotta love that scene. I'm not 100% sure what street that was they were driving down, I think it was Van Buren but it could have been Wabash also. top

  • Blogger cobaltgrc says so:
    8:52 AM  

    The sears towers; cause it still is the largest building in the world, imo. Buckingham Fountain; reminds me of hanging out at the taste. Boys Town on Clark; reminds me of the crazy chick I met there once. Also, eating biscuts and gravy at the diner down there. (the golden goose?) top

  • Blogger Unknown says so:
    3:20 PM  

    Hanging out with heroin addicts in the bumblefuck part of Chicago always represents Chicago for me.

    But visually, I think Lakeshore Drive does it for me the most. Throw in some Field Museum and Museum of Science and Industry action and you have verily got yourself a Chicago stew. top

  • Blogger Dragondog says so:
    7:34 PM  

    All wonderful choices everyone. I hold a special spot in my stomach for Superdawg though ;). I believe you are talking about the Golden Nugget Mr. Kayacan, they make a mean side of hashbrowns too. I've been there before but not to the one on Clark. top

  • Blogger Peter says so:
    9:40 PM  

    Both the Field Museum and under the El do it for me, though I like the Field Museum and walking under the El makes me feel like I'm in some kind of futuristic SciFi hive-city. Which I don't like. top