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"The Dragondog is a funny creature, as is the DragonDog lounge. Just like the Dragondog, the DragonDog Lounge has many friends. So pay them a visit will you? "

Sweet home Chicago...

Ok so I know I don't live in Chicago but still, sometimes I think Chicago is a state of mind just as much as a place. So yup no blog post for Sunday the last day of the vacation. It was even more boring than the day before. More swimming and some shopping blah. We left on Monday very early and drove from Scottsdale to Tucson. Our flight was about an hour late in all which sucked but it could have been worse.

Today I had to work at 10:30, which normally isn't so bad. Well it was worse than normal today since i'm used to Arizona time and to me getting up at 9:45 felt like 7:45. But work went by fairly quickly and I survived so I guess its not all that bad, I mean hell it was holiday pay. Its amazing how work is so much more tolerable when you are getting $15 an hour ;)

I didn't end up taking as many pictures on vacation as I wanted but I still have some 12 rolls of film to be developed. I believe it works out to about just shy of 200 total pictures. It will take a while for me to get them all back since I am mailing most of them out of town to get processesed. Then I have to scan all the film in, which is another tedious process. But eventually you will all get to see a selection of vacation photos. Til then ciao!

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