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"The Dragondog is a funny creature, as is the DragonDog lounge. Just like the Dragondog, the DragonDog Lounge has many friends. So pay them a visit will you? "

Still in Tucson...

Today my sister woke up at like 7:30 and of course she managed to wake me up also. She proceded to leave for the pool/breakfast right away. I tried to go back to sleep but failed. So at about 8:30 I left to meet them at the pool. Well I found my sister and parents having breakfast, I didn't care since I had a PBJ in the room, my sister got the breakfast buffett. OMG it was $18.95!!! I guess she ate alot but eek still! So we swam til lunch then showered up and drove and had lunch at Scholotzky's Deli, YUM!

We drove to the Sonoran Desert Museum then. We stopped at a scenic look out that overlooked Squaro National Forest. It is a very beautiful area. I got some great pictures, I hope. We finally arrived at the desert museum and it was really sweet. They had tons of desert animals and cacti and other things. Things that happened at this place: Lots of pictures were taken, I saw a bunch of Javalinas, a hummingbird almost landed on my cubs hat and it scared me, my sister got a bug/plant bite and it iched really bad. I can't wait to develop my film, that place was sweet.

We got to see alot of lizards there too, not only there but they are just running around out by the Hotel also. Its really alot of fun to see random lizards running around. They are alot of fun to spot and then follow. They like to do what looks like push ups while standing still. My sister the science nerd says its them showing dominance. So I guess the lizards dominate us. Woahhhhh...

After the museum it looked like it was going to storm, and it did later. So we hung around the hotel room for a while trying to figure out if it was really going to rain. So we figured it would, and like I said it turns out we were right, so we went to go see a movie. As a family we went to see Nacho Libre. I've seen it before and really enjoyed it, and it was just as enjoyable the second time around. Its not as laugh out loud funny as Napoleon Dynamite, but it is a good show. Yes Bridgett I did enjoy a movie nachos this time :)

Amy steak count: 22 oz. none today :(

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  • Blogger Dragondog says so:
    8:07 PM  

    They liked it, they thought it was funny. My dad said it was totally dumb, but hilarious. This lizards are really sweet, I wish we had lizards at home. top

  • Blogger cobaltgrc says so:
    10:31 PM  

    lizard dominance.

    I've seen wild lizards before, so I know what you are talking about. I wish there were lizards around here, too.. they seem so very alien when they are running around in the wild. top