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Andy Warhols: Blood for Dracula...

So we were going to watch Saw II since I've never seen it, but ended up watching a classic from the Andy Hebert DVD collection. I selected Andy Warhols: Blood for Dracula. This movie is odd as I am sure you can guess. It really does scream Andy Warhol to me. Its not the normal vampire movie, in here Dracula needs to obtain the blood of a virgin to sustain his "unlife". He ends up heading to Italy because they decide there is a better chance to find a virgin there due to the Italians being very religious. So Dracula is very sick and what not, and oddly enough can travel outside in sunlight. He also does not have to sleep in his coffin so that makes his travel a whole lot easier.

So this movie is quite an odd one, its the kind of movie that to like you really have to be a bit off I suppose. The acting really isn't all the great, and some of the parts are just a tad odd such as Mario the communist handy man. With that said, it really is a B-rate movie gem if you ask me. If you take it for what it is, and enjoy the quirks of its B-rate glory then you will enjoy it and join me in giving it a:
86 of 100

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  • Blogger cobaltgrc says so:
    6:56 AM  

    I didn't know Warhol made movies... I expect them to be very strange. top

  • Blogger Dragondog says so:
    7:32 AM  

    He was actually the producer, and yes they are very strange but good in that Andy Warhol way. top