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"The Dragondog is a funny creature, as is the DragonDog lounge. Just like the Dragondog, the DragonDog Lounge has many friends. So pay them a visit will you? "

The Prestige *review edited*

The Prestige was an intresting movie, but in the end it dissapointed me and didn't live up to all that it could have. The cast was great, and didn't do a bad job. I think the problem was really with the story and the way that it was put together, or rather wasn't. Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman were suppurb as the two young magicians. The supporting actors were great also, especially Micheal Caine. It was in ways similar to The Illusionist, but it fell far short of that movie also. What The Prestige lacked was the great tie together at that end that just makes you go "WOW" that The Illusionist really pulled off perfectly. It wasn't an all together un likeable movie, It had its moments and of course it had David Bowie as Nikola Tesla. So all in all I shall give it an...

**Andy's comments got me thinking and I agree I believe that I rated it a little too highly so I down rated it to a 76 which I think is a lot more fitting. It really wasn't a bad movie but it wasn't really that great either.**
76 out of 100

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  • Blogger cobaltgrc says so:
    7:11 AM  

    you seem generous. top

  • Blogger Dragondog says so:
    1:27 PM  

    Well I was focusing on the bad parts and what made it not as good as The Illusionist. It really wasn't completly bad, I enjoyed myself watching it. I just didn't feel like writing a page long review so I focused mainly on what brought it down. top

  • Blogger cobaltgrc says so:
    11:30 PM  

    I was just saying that 83 out of 100 seems high for a not as great film. top