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My weekend in a post...

So I just realized that I haven't really posted anything about myself or what I've been up to in a while. I've just been posting movie reviews over and over. I'm going to keep doing that because I'm enjoying it, even if you aren't, but now I'm going to try to remember to post other stuff too. I really want all of your comments. They are like crack to me, and I just need them so damn bad ;)

So I had 2 last paid vacation days at work that had to be used by the end of October so I took them Friday and Saturday of this weekend. I ended up spending the vast majority of the time with Rachel. We went to Goberts on Friday in the first part of the day. Goberts for you not in the know is a kids oriented pumpkin farm in umm I think like Hoffman Estates or somewhere near that. They pick the pumpkins and put them all out there for you. They have some other stuff around there to make it all fall like and fun. A few overpriced pumpkins were aquired, and my mouth was burned by hot chocolate and that got a good laugh. I managed to aquire stains on my shirt while there so our next stop was to get me a new shirt lol. We first took her laptop over to Circuit City since it was broken and after dealing with many stupid people it was finally fixed. Then I finally found a good shirt at Saks Off Fifth it was purchased and I changed in the car. Next we drove around lost for a while then finally found the Sushi bar we were looking for. Now Rachel has the skill of being able to make me try nearly anything. She got me to try a cucumber roll. Now I couldn't finish it mind you, but I tried valiently lol. Next I tried these little bean things that looked like pea pods that she said is raw tofu I guess. I just can't remember its name. I also tried some shrimp thingy she would have to tell you the name of that too, but I know it was cooked. It was a fun time, then we hit the movie and twas all.

Today once she came over we drove on out to DeKalb then to Rochelle and then finally on to Dixon to procure some more pumpkins, especially a white one, and also some squirrel corn. We first went to a place where you get to take a tractor into the field and pick some lovely pumpkins right off the vine. We basically got all rag tag misfit pumpkins with big lumps and warts. They are great. Next was on to this wonderful house in Rochelle. Rochelle is a small little town about 12 miles or so west of DeKalb on I38. The house has some great gourds and pumpkins. I got a giant gourd like pumpkin that must have weighed north of 50lbs, that I very nearly dropped but I held it! A small white pumpkin for Rachel was also had. Finally we drove the nearly extra 30 miles on to Dixon just to pick up some, are you sitting down, squirrel corn for my parents. Its really just dried up corn on the cob that you feed to the squirrels. Its hella cheap too so they loved it. It was pouring rain when we arrived and when got our corn and left. One of the bags that had the squirrel corn in it must have also had some lovely chicken shit on it too because it stank something fierce and made my hands stinky too. We then stopped at the, no i'm not kidding, Hardees for some hand washing action lol. So then it was back to 88 for the drive home. We had dinner at YUMMY Claras and that was our day.

So there I wrote about my weekend, what I'm up to and something other than movies. I'm off to write one more post for the night about New Years Eve, are you excited?

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