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On the topic of movies, here is what i'm looking forward to...

Ok i'm bored and feel like writing a little something something. So I thought I would give you all a list of movies that I would like to see. So here we go

Marie Antoinette: I don't know why I want to see this, but for some reason I do. I doubt i'll even like it since I HATE Kirsten Dunst but something about the way the film looks in the previews does it for me.

The Prestige: This is probably top of my list. Another good late 19th century magic based movie, such as the Illusionist. This one seems a bit darker maybe. The actors include Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman, Michael Caine, DAVID BOWIE, and how can you go wrong with Scarlett Johansson ;)

Running With Scissors: I keep seeing previews for this, and I can't wait also. This looks wild and dreamy. It looks like a fun and intresting movie. Should be a good time.

Sleeping Dogs Lie: This could be the, pardon the pun, sleeper coming out. The movie sounds bizarre, but I could see this either being really really funny or just retarded. Who knows which it will be, lets find out...

Borat: The previews during Jackass 2 were hilarious. I have an inside source, she knows who she is, who saw this already during a free preview and said its absolutly hilarious. I want to give this one a go.

Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus: An intresting story about a really great photographer. This could be an intresting one to see if I get the chance to hit up an art house type theater. Hopefully it isn't a repeat of the *shivers* Notorious Betty Page.

Happy Feet: I have a feeling I'll be seeing this one for sure. I know someone who loves penguins. So this one is a shoe in I believe.

Bobby: With the cast in this one I think it has a very good chance of being pretty darn good. As long as they do a good job with the story, I think it will be a great movie. Not to mention that Bobby is one Kennedy that I would actually have voted for.

The Fountain: This looks like an intresting concept and I would like to see how it will turn out.

Well thats all for now, thats as far out as yahoo's coming soon page goes so lets just cut it there. Hope you all enjoyed ;)

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  • Blogger cobaltgrc says so:
    9:44 PM  

    Borat is going to be fucking awesome! I AM GOING TO SEE THIS MOVIE. top

  • Blogger Dragondog says so:
    10:25 PM  

    I know I can't wait either. Rachel saw it in a free myspace preview. She said it was amazing. top