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"The Dragondog is a funny creature, as is the DragonDog lounge. Just like the Dragondog, the DragonDog Lounge has many friends. So pay them a visit will you? "

Want to see my cunt? Tuesday, October 31, 2006 |

Yes I know you do want to see my cunt, why wouldn't you?

So yesterday the impish Ms. Rachel came over and we went to the Jaycee's Haunted House in Lombard. It was a fun time, and I wasn't too scared, but some other people might have been. Luckly though there were no chainsaws involved and we survived the clowns at the end. After a hilarious stop at Omega it was back to my house and it was pumpkin carving time. First off I got my dad to give me a power tool to try to carve the pumpkins. No good power tools were found, and I tried using a dremel but it had a polishing attachment so it didn't really do a whole lot. How sad :( So there was paper on the floor already from my sister and mother carving pumpkins, and my sister had written "cunt" on the paper for whatever reason. This of course inspired my cunt pumpkin. I took a roll of film while carving and that should be done on Friday so pictures will be shared then if you care. So Happy Halloween boys and girls...

My suprise was... Sunday, October 29, 2006 |

Well as I had actually thought the suprise was going to Great America for the last day of Fright Fest. Since someone was running late, I won't name names, I drove up to the H.P. and we were off after a couple quick stops. We got to Great America at about 10:30 and we left oh I'd say about 7:30 or so, so to say the least we had a full day.

Now I am not a fan of fast rides basically at all. Before today I'd never really been on a Rollercoaster. I don't really care for the sensation of almost weightlessness. Of course Ms. Rachel was able to talk me into going on the American Eagle. I had a death grip on the bars all the way up the first climb until she made me hold her hand going down and that just made it more scary! So I quickly went back to my death grip on the bar. I went on the giant drop then too with Rachel and her sister Julie at the end of the night. That was not another favorite of mine but I did it anyways. I closed my eyes on the way down though *shhhh*

So to recap even though I am a baby, and most of the day involved me standing with the girls in lines and waiting while they went on the rides, I still had a whole lot of fun.

Andy Warhols: Blood for Dracula... |

So we were going to watch Saw II since I've never seen it, but ended up watching a classic from the Andy Hebert DVD collection. I selected Andy Warhols: Blood for Dracula. This movie is odd as I am sure you can guess. It really does scream Andy Warhol to me. Its not the normal vampire movie, in here Dracula needs to obtain the blood of a virgin to sustain his "unlife". He ends up heading to Italy because they decide there is a better chance to find a virgin there due to the Italians being very religious. So Dracula is very sick and what not, and oddly enough can travel outside in sunlight. He also does not have to sleep in his coffin so that makes his travel a whole lot easier.

So this movie is quite an odd one, its the kind of movie that to like you really have to be a bit off I suppose. The acting really isn't all the great, and some of the parts are just a tad odd such as Mario the communist handy man. With that said, it really is a B-rate movie gem if you ask me. If you take it for what it is, and enjoy the quirks of its B-rate glory then you will enjoy it and join me in giving it a:
86 of 100

I hate a good suprise... Saturday, October 28, 2006 |

Last week Rachel asked me when I started and finished work, at the time I didn't know so I told her such and asked her why she asked. I got no response, the standard "I was just curious" Fastforward to a couple days later and I found out for some reason I actually have the day off. Now I normally work every single Sunday, but for some reason this week my manager just accepted what the computer gave me and didn't rework my schedule giving me a million closings and making me work Sunday. So I told her I had Sunday off and still I get no clue as to what is up. I knew something was up but yet I'm still not sure what. So her sister mentioned to her something about are we still doing that trip on Sunday in front of me. Of course the two of them then got tight lipped. So today she leaves me a voicemail while I was at work and I called her back from work and she informed me to be ready at 9am. So I guess I will find out at 9am what is up, boo for suprises I hate the waiting...

The Prestige *review edited* Friday, October 27, 2006 |

The Prestige was an intresting movie, but in the end it dissapointed me and didn't live up to all that it could have. The cast was great, and didn't do a bad job. I think the problem was really with the story and the way that it was put together, or rather wasn't. Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman were suppurb as the two young magicians. The supporting actors were great also, especially Micheal Caine. It was in ways similar to The Illusionist, but it fell far short of that movie also. What The Prestige lacked was the great tie together at that end that just makes you go "WOW" that The Illusionist really pulled off perfectly. It wasn't an all together un likeable movie, It had its moments and of course it had David Bowie as Nikola Tesla. So all in all I shall give it an...

**Andy's comments got me thinking and I agree I believe that I rated it a little too highly so I down rated it to a 76 which I think is a lot more fitting. It really wasn't a bad movie but it wasn't really that great either.**
76 out of 100

Now you can never say I have never given you anything... Wednesday, October 25, 2006 |


Enjoy this java NES emulator with a couple hundred games you can play. What is better than getting bored, clicking the link, and playing some Mario 3 in your browser? Not a fuck of a lot that can be done on a computer, thats what.

Hey everyone look at my new look... Tuesday, October 24, 2006 |

Woah are you just like totally mesmerized by my new layout? Mr. Andy Kayacan was complaining about my layout burning his eyes. So he helped me pick out a new layout and then walked me through setting it up, since i'm a total HTML newb. So now he told me I have the "hippest layout" Are you all jealous? I thought so...

Its almost November, so that means its almost NEW YEARS EVE... Sunday, October 22, 2006 |

As you all should know by now the New Years Eve party is the one party a year I throw. Well this year isn't going to be any different. Last years New Years Eve party was not all that it could be and I was somewhat dissapointed. That is why I am starting early this year. Last year suffered from last minute planning and lack of devotion. Not this year. So I'm getting the word out now that it is happening, it WILL be a formal event once again, there will be boobies on the wall, and it will be fucking amazing! So Friends near and Friends far who can make it to my house on New Years Eve for my party?

My weekend in a post... |

So I just realized that I haven't really posted anything about myself or what I've been up to in a while. I've just been posting movie reviews over and over. I'm going to keep doing that because I'm enjoying it, even if you aren't, but now I'm going to try to remember to post other stuff too. I really want all of your comments. They are like crack to me, and I just need them so damn bad ;)

So I had 2 last paid vacation days at work that had to be used by the end of October so I took them Friday and Saturday of this weekend. I ended up spending the vast majority of the time with Rachel. We went to Goberts on Friday in the first part of the day. Goberts for you not in the know is a kids oriented pumpkin farm in umm I think like Hoffman Estates or somewhere near that. They pick the pumpkins and put them all out there for you. They have some other stuff around there to make it all fall like and fun. A few overpriced pumpkins were aquired, and my mouth was burned by hot chocolate and that got a good laugh. I managed to aquire stains on my shirt while there so our next stop was to get me a new shirt lol. We first took her laptop over to Circuit City since it was broken and after dealing with many stupid people it was finally fixed. Then I finally found a good shirt at Saks Off Fifth it was purchased and I changed in the car. Next we drove around lost for a while then finally found the Sushi bar we were looking for. Now Rachel has the skill of being able to make me try nearly anything. She got me to try a cucumber roll. Now I couldn't finish it mind you, but I tried valiently lol. Next I tried these little bean things that looked like pea pods that she said is raw tofu I guess. I just can't remember its name. I also tried some shrimp thingy she would have to tell you the name of that too, but I know it was cooked. It was a fun time, then we hit the movie and twas all.

Today once she came over we drove on out to DeKalb then to Rochelle and then finally on to Dixon to procure some more pumpkins, especially a white one, and also some squirrel corn. We first went to a place where you get to take a tractor into the field and pick some lovely pumpkins right off the vine. We basically got all rag tag misfit pumpkins with big lumps and warts. They are great. Next was on to this wonderful house in Rochelle. Rochelle is a small little town about 12 miles or so west of DeKalb on I38. The house has some great gourds and pumpkins. I got a giant gourd like pumpkin that must have weighed north of 50lbs, that I very nearly dropped but I held it! A small white pumpkin for Rachel was also had. Finally we drove the nearly extra 30 miles on to Dixon just to pick up some, are you sitting down, squirrel corn for my parents. Its really just dried up corn on the cob that you feed to the squirrels. Its hella cheap too so they loved it. It was pouring rain when we arrived and when got our corn and left. One of the bags that had the squirrel corn in it must have also had some lovely chicken shit on it too because it stank something fierce and made my hands stinky too. We then stopped at the, no i'm not kidding, Hardees for some hand washing action lol. So then it was back to 88 for the drive home. We had dinner at YUMMY Claras and that was our day.

So there I wrote about my weekend, what I'm up to and something other than movies. I'm off to write one more post for the night about New Years Eve, are you excited?

Nightmare Before Christmas in 3 FUCKING D bitches........ |

Yes you got it right this review is for the Nightmare Before Christmas, in yes 3 FUCKING D! So ok I've never seen this movie before. I know its a crime and all I really should have seen it. But what better way to see it than in 3 FUCKING D. The movie was great, but I'm sure like everyone else in the world already knows that since the movie has been out forever. The characters are great, the music is funny and fits perfectly, and the visuals are amazing. The movie really made me want to go out and purchase tons of halloween stuff and save it for christmas and give people scary halloween stuff for christmas. Hmmm maybe I will do that :). So yes its out there, maybe its even in your town so if it is honestly go and see this its worth the upwards of $11 they charge due to it being all crazy 3 FUCKING D and you getting to keep the 3 FUCKING D glasses. So I give it

92 out of 100

Harold and Maude... Thursday, October 19, 2006 |

Ok now this one is good. This is a movie that I had never seen, and I found out that I really needed to see. It was Ms. Rachel that got me to see this movie, it is her favorite and I bought it for her after much searching since she didn't own it. I really loved the characters in here. Harold and Maude are both great well developed characters who have wonderful flaws and quirks to them. The mother was a great supporting role also, her responses to Harolds suicide attempts were classic. How can any movie that has a Jaguar XKE that is painted and turned into a hearse. What an amazing car. I need to see this one again I think, because the dialogue track was somewhat quiet and I think I missed some of the lines. I really think that this is one of those movies that gets even better with the more times you see it. So for now, I give it:

91 out of 100

Employee of the Month... |

Well I don't really need to say much about this one other than it was really god awful. Dane Cook really just isn't that funny, or at least I haven't seen it. He was good the first time I saw him on SNL. Then I saw him uncensored on Dave Attels insomniac tour on Comedy Central, this time not really funny. I saw him on SNL again the starting show of this seasons SNL, not so funny. Even his monologue was bad, so you can't blame that on SNL's current rather shitty quality. Now after seeing this movie I don't really have any confidence that he is actually funny. I don't even need to say anymore, its really not worth it. I give it:

30 out of 100

Jackass 2 Sunday, October 15, 2006 |

OK I just realised that I forgot to write about Jackass 2 since it was a movie and I saw it. This is really a hard movie to rate in the normal sense. Lets see, yes it was hilarious. But you have to realize that yes I do find Jackass funny. If you don't well I promise you that you will not like this movie. If you do like some stupid and mindless comedy and guys doing crazy shit well you probably have already seen this. I saw the first movie with the good guy Brendan Sullivan. So we once again saw this movie. There are some very funny parts so I say check it out, come on you know you want to have some fun.

So how do you rank this? I don't think I can since it really is a stupid movie, its just funny as hell. Based on artistic quality like a 12 lol, but based on fun had at movie more like a 90.

On the topic of movies, here is what i'm looking forward to... Saturday, October 14, 2006 |

Ok i'm bored and feel like writing a little something something. So I thought I would give you all a list of movies that I would like to see. So here we go

Marie Antoinette: I don't know why I want to see this, but for some reason I do. I doubt i'll even like it since I HATE Kirsten Dunst but something about the way the film looks in the previews does it for me.

The Prestige: This is probably top of my list. Another good late 19th century magic based movie, such as the Illusionist. This one seems a bit darker maybe. The actors include Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman, Michael Caine, DAVID BOWIE, and how can you go wrong with Scarlett Johansson ;)

Running With Scissors: I keep seeing previews for this, and I can't wait also. This looks wild and dreamy. It looks like a fun and intresting movie. Should be a good time.

Sleeping Dogs Lie: This could be the, pardon the pun, sleeper coming out. The movie sounds bizarre, but I could see this either being really really funny or just retarded. Who knows which it will be, lets find out...

Borat: The previews during Jackass 2 were hilarious. I have an inside source, she knows who she is, who saw this already during a free preview and said its absolutly hilarious. I want to give this one a go.

Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus: An intresting story about a really great photographer. This could be an intresting one to see if I get the chance to hit up an art house type theater. Hopefully it isn't a repeat of the *shivers* Notorious Betty Page.

Happy Feet: I have a feeling I'll be seeing this one for sure. I know someone who loves penguins. So this one is a shoe in I believe.

Bobby: With the cast in this one I think it has a very good chance of being pretty darn good. As long as they do a good job with the story, I think it will be a great movie. Not to mention that Bobby is one Kennedy that I would actually have voted for.

The Fountain: This looks like an intresting concept and I would like to see how it will turn out.

Well thats all for now, thats as far out as yahoo's coming soon page goes so lets just cut it there. Hope you all enjoyed ;)

So you wanted video reviews... |

Ok Andy this one is for you. You asked for video reviews and i'll give you one. I watched Garden State with the lovely Ms. "YoursTruely" the other day so here we go.

I don't feel like talking at large here because I'm hoping that most all of you have already seen this movie. I love the visuals in this movie, they are very well thought out and deliberate. I love the scene where he is at airports bathrooms and walks past the sinks and they all go off one after another. I loved this. When Zach Braff's character has a staredown with his friends character, Peter Saarsgard, while his friend is removing the jewelry from a body he is about to bury. The looks they exchange speak volumes. The movie is really a well thought out and well done movie. The soundtrack also fits the movie like a fine tailored custom suit. You can tell that Zach put a lot of thought into the soundtrack and placing it with the movie.

This one will get a 94 from me.

The Departed Monday, October 09, 2006 |

I'm not sure I have a whole whole lot to say about this movie. It was very well done I thought, and there was some pretty good acting in there. Leonardo DiCaprio sure was quite a bit different than his Titanic days. Jack Nicholson did a great Job as the Irish mob boss. There were plenty of plot twists to keep you intrested. Some of the quippy dialouge was a bit much at times I thought, but not so bad that it distracted or anything. All in all I'd say its worth the see, especially if you like the sort of movie that it is. I wouldn't say that its one of those movies that everyone will like no matter what, but it certainly is likeable

I'll give it an 84

Wow its finally happened, I actually wish I lived in New York... Monday, October 02, 2006 |


Ok this just might be one of the coolest things I've ever heard of. I can't help but think about The Simpsons and the Planet of the Apes musical with Troy McClure. Now this is way cooler though of course. They said eventually it will tour but not for a very long time. Maybe we will have to go to New York? So ok who is in?