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"The Dragondog is a funny creature, as is the DragonDog lounge. Just like the Dragondog, the DragonDog Lounge has many friends. So pay them a visit will you? "


So I didn't make it on Friday, but I did make it on Saturday evening with the incomparable Ms. Rachel. Now Rachel had seen Borat already, she managed to get to see it free and a month or so early by the way of a free myspace preview. LUCKY! So I had been looking forward to this movie for quite some time after hearing all about it.

Let me just say it was amazing. Not only was it laugh out loud hilarious, I thought it was really a fairly a pretty intelligent satirical comedy. You can tell that Sasha Baron Cohen is not just another random Tom Green doing funny things to random people and filming it. This was a well put together movie that was funny and really it was something new and fresh. The Borat character was amazing. If you didn't know better and weren't told you almost might believe that he was really making a documentry if it wasn't for some of the over the top things they added in (i.e. Running of the Jews). So basically you all really need to go and see this movie. This is one that should win an award for its creativity, but sadly probably wont. I'll give it...


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  • Blogger cobaltgrc says so:
    9:03 AM  

    Yeah, that was an amazing movie.. I'm still running scenes over in my mind. Brilliant. top

  • Blogger yours truly says so:
    1:59 PM  

    i think that this rating doesn't do the movie justice.

    a 95 is obviously the correct rating due to the fact that the movie IS revolutionary. it took GREAT acting skills not to laugh. personally, if it was me, i'd be laughing my ass off constantly. the subject matter that was addressed in the movie is like NOTHING that has been out in theaters as of late, or even ever.

    compare this movie to the last "94/100" movie that you reviewed. by FAR, this was more intelligent, humorous and took way more planning and skill to make. any idiot can put on a period costume in the Illusionist and act: it takes a very talented person to pull off what Cohen did.

    my PERSONAL rating would be a 95 due to these important factors. :-P top

  • Blogger cobaltgrc says so:
    7:09 AM  

    Really? Cause I would give it a 96. Are you serious about the 95? Are you sure? top

  • Blogger yours truly says so:
    12:23 PM  

    96 would be too high of a rating. it would've been a 96 if most of the movie wasn't disclosed in all of the random previews and if he killed that chicken. or at least made that scene with Pamela completely impromptu. Dziękują. top

  • Blogger Dragondog says so:
    4:20 PM  

    Yay finally some discussion about my reviews :-P I think for now I'm sticking with my 94. I may change that after seeing it for a second time though, so I reserve that right. But please Andy and Rachel keep debating it pleases me. Hahah top

  • Blogger yours truly says so:
    11:20 AM  

    i shall not debate anymore just to spite you. i also won't debate because unfortunately,i am not a master debator like you. top

  • Blogger Dragondog says so:
    1:13 AM  

    That remains to be seen Ms. Rachel, I am sure you can Master Debate with the best of them. top

  • Blogger cobaltgrc says so:
    4:22 PM  

    um.. should I leave? I'm starting to feel uncomfortable....... top

  • Blogger Dragondog says so:
    10:05 PM  

    Haha why would you leave Andy we are just talking about masturbation! I know you do it so why do you feel uncompfortable when its talked about? top