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"The Dragondog is a funny creature, as is the DragonDog lounge. Just like the Dragondog, the DragonDog Lounge has many friends. So pay them a visit will you? "

Happy November?

Well now that October is done, that brings us to you guessed it... November. To me this is the real start of the Christmas season, not the day after Thanksgiving anymore. Christmas just keeps getting pushed back earlier and earlier. In the like of "work" that I am in the Christmas season is really not a happy thing.

Retail can be hell all year long, but if retail is hell then the Christmas season is like being frozen in the 9th layer of hell. The Christmas season is supposed to be about love, caring, giving and selflessness. Someone please tell that to the people shopping at my store. I notice the exact opposite actually. The closer to Christmas it gets, the more angry and mean people get. This brings me to my next point...

I feel like such a grinch because in the last few years I have really started to hate the Christmas season. Working at Carsons has really ruined it for me. I dread the crowds, I dread the constant drone of the same 20 christmas songs from the 50's crooners, I dread the long hours, I just plain dread it all. You know what? This makes me really sad too. I don't want to be a grinch, I don't want to hate Christmas.

I want to just be a kid again and enjoy the Christmas seasons that I remember as a kid. I want to look forward to watching Frosty the Snowman on TV. I want to read the Grinch who Stole Christmas. I want to make a Christmas list, maybe I will write one. I REALLY want to go with to cut a christmas tree down, but that can't happen since its always the day after thanksgiving we go. I want to go driving around looking at the extravagent christmas lights. I want to go to the brookfield zoo to see Holiday Magic.

So who knows maybe I can snap out of my grinchary this year, wish me luck all...

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  • Blogger cobaltgrc says so:
    8:17 AM  

    Isn't your birthday in November? top

  • Blogger yours truly says so:
    12:17 PM  

    christmas is too cool for some people. just accept that you're not in the "in-crowd" with christmas.

    poor Andy is getting coal again.... top

  • Blogger Dragondog says so:
    3:05 PM  

    Sorry Andy, not this year. My Birthday is Decemember 27th. Its not that I'm not in the "in-crowd" for christmas Rachel, if you would have read my blog post! I am just disenchanted with the season thanks to work, but I hope to change that. :( no coal for poor Andy, unless its been under extreme pressure for millions of years... top