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So tonight I took the inebriated Ms. Rachel to the movie shows this night, and we ended up seeing Saw III since she has gotten me to see the first 2 lately.

Saw III reminded me more of Saw II than it did Saw. When the movie was finished I was basically like meh. I had been told that it was better than the second one, but honestly I didn't think so. I basically got the feeling that the two of them could have been pushed into one 3 hour long movie and just been one movie. There weren't that many great twists in this one I thought, and that for me made it an inferior movie to the first one. I thought the blood and gore in this movie were a little over the top, basicaly I mean they were there just to be gross not to actually futher the story or the movie at all. The brain surgury scene was just downright disgusting. So yes meh I give it...

77 out of 100 same as saw II, good but not amazing.

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